3rd party pack changelog

51.02 20250125

Elementor: Add support for icon widget, Advanced SVG Icons from Unlimited Elements.
Elementor: Add support for dynamic links in containers.
Elementor: Add support for dynamic popups in containers.
Elementor: Add support for WooCommerce conditional displays.
Gravity Forms: Fix conditionals in Gravity Views.
LearnDash: Assign support for courses in WooCommerce products.
Pods: Fix fatal error when trying to add non-existent values for fields.
WooCommerce: Check that the composite product default ID field is set before trying to broadcast the product specified by the field.

51.01 20241116

Renamed the "Post Expirator" add-on to "Publishpress Future".

Bricks Builder: Add image gallery support.
Divi Builder: Add support for the include_categories attribute of the et_pb_blog shortcode.

50.15 20241012

Bricks Builder: Adds support all elements with an svg icon attribute.
Events Manager: Fix events not disappearing from the child blog's event list when the child event is deleted.
Events Manager: Handle global events / locations. Note that due to a bug in EM, the setting of the global locations is the same as the global events.
Elementor: Fix fatal error when no slider is found on child with newer versions of PHP.
Modern Events: Add support for the MEC shortcode.
WPML: Disable the Translation Manager when broadcasting, because it causes a fatal error.
WP Rocket: Clear domain cache when Broadcast shortcodes are saved.

50.14 20240824

New add-on: Bricks Builder: Adds support for the Bricks Builder page editor.
JetEngine: Delete the relationships on the child if the parent does not have relationships.

50.11 20240706

ACF: Add support for the focuspoint field type.
ACF: Check that the location content in the field group is valid.
Elementor: Fix support for hotspot element.
JetEngine: Add support for different types of relationships.
JetEngine: Fix restoring fields for posts that have both meta boxes and taxonomy fields.
WooCommerce: Add support for composite products and their scenarios.
WPML: Sync the terms of the newly-broadcasted / updated child post after updating the child post. This fixes term counts not being in sync.

50.09 20240506

ACF: Save the newest field value when updating the value. Used to interact with snippets.
Cornerstone: Replace the cs_content ID in the post content.
Cornerstone: Handle featured images as the image ID.
Elementor: Add support for the hotspot widget.
Elementor: Add support for the icon-list widget.
LearnDash: Assign the course id to quizzes in yet another custom field.
Polylang: Check for polylang using define.
Polylang: Preserve the front page setting for the various languages.
The Events Calendar: Wait until the event is created in the external table before broadcasting. Fixes a fatal error when broadcasting events.
WPML: Set the taxonomy terms using raw SQL instead of relying on WPML's functions.

50.08 20240221

Remove reference to unreleased Tutor LMS add-on.

50.07 20240209

ACF: Add support for ACF field in menu items (when broadcasting menus using the Menus add-on).
Elementor: Ensure that the icon-box widget has a value image ID, preventing a fatal error.
Gravity Forms: Add support for feeds with feed_xxx meta keys, such as the Legal Signing workflow step.
JetEngine: Add support for galleries that only have URLs.
JetEngine: Fix Options Pages tab.
Jetpack: Add-on is now obsolete due to changes in Jetpack's social broadcasting code. The developers cannot offer a solution.
LearnDash: Add update_sfwd_custom_field action to allow the course data to be protected using a code snippet.
Post Expirator: Change the post link data in the child's expiration settings in the database.
TranslatePress: Add-on is now obsolete due to changes in their data storage. The developers cannot offer a solution.
Yoast SEO: Add support for modifying the post's canonical URL. This will replace the parent base URL with the child site's base URL.

50.06 20231119

ACF: Allow array string fields to be processed.
Elementor: Obey the custom field protectlist regarding the protecting of the page conditions.
Elementor: Add support for "Slides" pro widget.
Jetpack: Fix double social posting to the parent post's social media.
Ninja Forms: Add support for new duplicate database table columns, fixes child form logged in state not being changed.

50.05 20231007

Divi Builder: Add support for the et_pb_image shortcode.
JetEngine: Add support for more value formats.
WooCommerce: Obey the taxonomy blacklist so that product_attribute_image and thumbnail_id meta keys can be ignored.

50.04 20230818

JetEngine: Fix detection of value format for ID fields.
LearnDash: Set yet another custom field in the quiz questions pointing to the quiz.
UberMenu: Adds support item images.

50.03 20230722

ACF: Parse fields when widgets are being broadcasted using the Widgets add-on.
Elementor: Add support for term IDs in loop grid element.
Post Expirator: Add fix for scheduling using the actions in the new versions of PE.

50.02 20230613

Gravity Forms: Fixed fatal error "does not have a method "threewp_broadcast_broadcasting_started""

50.01 20230610

ACF: Added support for the image_aspect_ratio_crop field type.
Gravity Forms: Add support for broadcasting Gravity Bookings locations, services and staff.
JetEngine: Add support for posts fields.
JetEngine: Add support for text fields, allowing shortcodes to be parsed.
JetEngine: Add support for gallery and media fields with the ID or ID+URL value format. Only URL does not work.
Pods: Fix instance error for Pods v2.9.15
Search And Filter: Adds support for broadcasting of the s&f widget.
Widgets: Add support for widget names that have underscores and dashes.

50 20230407

Elementor: Fix page conditions not transferring.

49.06 20230303

Elementor: Automatically copy the global.css file when broadcasting the default-kit library.
Yoast SEO: Add support for primary all-sorts-of-taxonomies, not just categories.

49.04 20230127

New add-on: Search Exclude: Adds support for the Search Exclude plugin.
ACF: Better handling of taxonomies with underscores.
ACF: Sync more taxonomy fields.
Elementor: Add support page settings via the default-kit page.
The Events Calendar: Add support for v6 with its new data storage.
Toolset: Better handling of relationships.

49.03 20230109

WooCommerce: The product image gallery can now be protected using the custom field protect list (_product_image_gallery).

49.02 20230104

Divi Builder: Parse the encoded links in slideshows.

49.01 20221225

ACF: Fields in protect lists are ignored when a child post has just been created.
BBPress: Add support for nested replies.
BBPress: Automatically sync subscriptions between linked forums / topics.
Elementor: Add support for loop-grids.
JetEngine: Add support for repeater, gallery and image fields in the meta box.
LearnDash: Add support for broadcasting notifications (the ld-notification post type).
Polylang: During "find unlinked children", help find the correct child post when several translations have the same slug.
Search And Filter: Adds support for broadcasting layouts and templates.
WooCommerce: Add support for additional variation images provided by the WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin.

48.14 20221008

New add-on: JetEngine: Adds support for JetEngine custom post types.
Elementor: Prevent the template part conditions from being overwritten during broadcasting and when deleting posts on the parent blog.
Slider Revolution: Add support for background images and the navigation images.

48.11 20220819

Elementor: Add support for broadcasting widgets from Unlimited Elements.
Elementor: Check for image widgets that are not image widgets.
WPML: Force switching of language during broadcasting. This fixes the problem of taxonomies in the wrong language being created when using the queue in http mode.

48.09 20220418

Elementor: Fix warning for elements that sometimes don't have links set.
Elementor: Automatically create the CSS directory for each blog.
LearnDash: Fix course post not having the _sfwd-courses custom field.
Pods: Add support for broadcasting of groups and fields.
WooCommerce: Add support for the variation image gallery.
WooCommerce: Add support for term product_attribute_image.
WooCommerce: Add support for composite products.

48.08 20220312

Divi Builder: Parse the encoded links in buttons.
Elementor: Handle bg_image, background_image and image settings more generically.

48.07 20220226

Cornerstone: Add support for broadcasting layouts, templates and user templates.
Cornerstone: Merge Global Blocks For Cornerstone add-on.
Elementor: Add support for button, header and call-to-action links.
Elementor: Add support for Media Carousel images and links.
Elementor: Add support for JetPopups.
Elementor: Add support for the Jet Listing Grid, Jet Smart Filters Checkboxes and Jet Smart Filters Range elements.
Elementor: Add support for the Jet Listing Grid, Jet Smart Filters Checkboxes and Jet Smart Filters Range elements.
Global Blocks For Cornerstone: Add-on is obsolete. Replaced by Cornerstone add-on.
Post Expirator: Mark categories as used, for compatibility with v48 of Broadcast.
Yoast SEO: Allow the _yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-nofollow and _yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-noindex custom fields to be protected.

48.01 20211105

Pods: Clear the cache when pods are deleted on the parent blog, so that they are also shown as deleted on the child blog.
The Events Calendar: Allow several organisers per event.
Toolset: Fix recursion when broadcasting relationships again. Use new broadcast_once() functionality.

47.13 20211007

Gravity Forms: Delete existing add-on feeds on child blogs before adding the parent ones.

47.12 20210923

New add-on: Search And Filter: Adds support for the Search And Filter plugin.
ACF: Allow handling of non-pro ACF5 fields with add-ons (repeater) as pro.
Elementor: Add support for ProductIntroFullDetail element type.
WooCommerce: Add support for syncing shipping and coupon info when syncing orders.
WooCommerce: Add support for the WCFM - WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace plugin.

47.11 20210815

WooCommerce: Add support for product bundles.

47.09 20210706

Elementor: Fix warning when no conditions are to be restored.
Elementor: Fix warning when a gallery is empty.
Formidable Forms: Broadcast associated posts when broadcasting entries.
WooCommerce: Better PHP8 compatability.

47.08 20210613

Elementor: Add support for new widgets: avante-portfolio-grid and dyxnet-testimonial-card
LearnDash: Allow for non-standard upload directories.

47.07 20210513

New add-on: Imagify: Adds support for the Imagify plugin / service.

Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order: Also set the term order during broadcasting.
Toolset: Fix recursion when broadcasting relationships.
WooCommerce: Also broadcast new coupon amount when a coupon is used, not just usage count.

47.06 20210412

New add-on: Rank Math SEO: Add support for the Rank Math SEO plugin.
Cornerstone: Add support for toggle_anchor_graphic_image_src
LearnDash: Add support for course builder data stored in "steps" instead of "hrt" data.
LearnDash: Add support for either overwriting or keeping the groups of a course.
Toolset: Add support for relationships with intermediaries.
WooCommerce: Allow broadcasting of coupons and broadcasting of usage count when the coupon is used.
WPML: Ignore taxonomies that are not translatable.

47.04 20210318

Elementor: Add support for display conditions.
Gravity Forms: Add support for parsing Advanced Post Creation content in order to get shortcodes parsed.
Tablepress: Modernize add-on to parse Tablepress shortcodes everywhere Broadcast processes texts (Elementor widgets, ACF text fields, etc), not just the post content.
WooCommerce: Add support for chained products.

47.03 20210308

New add-on: All In One SEO adds support for the All in One SEO plugin.
New add-on: GeneratePress adds support for the GeneratePress theme / plugin.
ACF: Add support for term protect list.
Yoast SEO: Fix the SEO data cache for terms not being emptied.

47.02 20210216

WooCommerce: Add support for Appointments.

47.01 20210210

New add-on: Permalink Manager: Adds support for the Permalink Manager plugin.
Divi Builder: Add support for Theme Builder usage restrictions based on pages and term IDs.
Toolset: Add support for WPML in relationships.

46.19 20210127

New add-on: LiteSpeed Cache: Adds support for the LiteSpeed Cache plugin.

Divi Builder: Prevent theme overwrites when using the Sync Taxonomies add-on, in addition to when broadcasting.
Cornerstone: Add support for images.
Gravity Forms: Added more support for Workflows.
WPML: Force WPML to recount the taxonomy term stats after taxonomy sync.

46.18 20201229

Divi Builder: Added support for global modules in rows also.
NS Cloner: Add support for later linking using the queue add-on, which allows for big imports.
WooCommerce: Add support for Bookings resources and people.
Yoast SEO: Fix the SEO data cache not being emptied.
46.17 20201215

New add-on: Cornerstone adds support for the Cornerstone Page Builder.
LearnDash: Add action to allow for merging of existing course data, for example the registration button URL (snippet).
LearnDash: Add support for broadcasting Uncanny Content via GB blocks.
Mailster: New: Force showing of the Broadcast meta box, which is normally hidden due to broken Mailster CSS.
Mailster: Add PHP Code wizard for copying templates between blogs.

46.16 20201116

WPML: Add support for the WooCommerce Multilingual plugin. This prevents translated child products from losing their custom fields when updating the parent language.

46.15 20201111

Beaver Builder: Add support for parsing links.
Elementor: Add support for AE Post Blocks manual selections.
LearnDash: When broadcasting a course in groups, broadcast the groups automatically if they do not exist on the child.
Mailster: New: Force showing of the Broadcast meta box, which is normally hidden due to broken Mailster CSS.
Mailster: Add support for forms and lists in conditions.
Polylang: Add support for broadcasting string translations.
Toolset: Add support for v3.4 relationships.

46.14 20201002

Elementor: Add support for AE Post Blocks relationships.
EventON: Add support for event speakers.
GeoDirectory: Fix support for v2.0.0.101 - images, logos and categories broadcast correctly again.
Ninja Forms: Clear form cache after broadcasting. Tested with 3.4.30

46.13 20200922

New add-on: Modern Events adds support for the Modern Events plugin.
Formidable Forms: Add support for broadcasting entries via the Broadcast > Formidable menu item.
Gravity Forms: Add support for Gravityflow workflows.

46.12 20200810

New add-on: Create adds support for the Create plugin from Mediavine.
New add-on: Soliloquy adds support for the Soliloquy plugin.
ACF: Add ability to copy option field groups.
Elementor: Add support for updating the linked children when the parent post is saved in Elementor (not just the normal editor).
Gravity Forms: Fix field ID in view not matching.

46.11 20200715

Version bump, because Wordpress doesn't understand that .10 is bigger than .1

46.10 20200714

Formidable Forms: Add support for repeaters and conditionals.

46.09 20200708

New add-on. Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order: Adds support for the Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order plugin.
Elementor: Add support for Image Carousels.
Gravity Forms: Allow support for Gravity Views.
LearnDash: Add support for lessons that can be assigned to multiple courses.
Pods: Add support for taxonomies.
Pods: Automatically broadcast related posts if necessary.
User Access Manager: Add support for restricting attachments.
WPML: Fix term languages being set in wrong language.

46.08 2020608

New add-on: WP Rocket: Adds support for the WP Rocket plugin.
LearnDash: Fix quizzes not being properly broadcasted due to new database table names.
Pods: Add support for multiple post selections.
WPML: Fix the blog name being incorrectly displayed when using post actions together with the String Translation plugin.

46.07 20200512

ACF: Fix cloned fields.
ACF: Fix group fields for non-pro users.
Elementor: Added wizard for the ">PHP Code add-on that copies Jet Engine custom post types and taxonomies.
SNAP: Add-on is now obsolete. This is due to changes in the plugin and the most recent reviews.
Yoast SEO: Added support OpenGraph / Facebook image and URL custom field.

46.04 20200323

New add-on: TranslatePress: Adds support for the TranslatePress plugin.
NS Cloner: Add support for clones during registration / signup.

46.02 20200212

New add-on: Vimeography: Adds support for the Vimeography plugin.
Download Manager: Automatically copy files in the download when using the new site-specific storage.
Gravity Forms: Allow for forms with apostrophes in the title.
LearnDash: Add support for the LDAdvQuiz and LDAdvQuiz_toplist shortcodes.
WooCommerce: Add support for ATUM Inventory Management product data and suppliers.
WooCommerce: Add automatic parsing of add_to_cart shortcode.

46.01 20200116

ACF: Also sync taxonomies when possible. Requires v46 of Broadcast.
Event Organiser: Fix fatal error when venues are broadcasted.
LearnDash: Update course link in topics on some installs.
Pods: Add support for multiple images in image fields.

45.06 20191116

ACF: Fix relationship fields when broadcasting taxonomies.
Elementor: Add support for gallery widgets, vt-saaspot_agency and vt-saaspot_resource widgets.

45.05 20191022

Polylang: Add support for posts in different languages sharing the same slug, WooCommerce products for example.
Polylang: Fix terms being in incorrect language when processing the posts using the Queue HTTP command.

45.02 201909225

New add-on: Flip HTML5: Adds support for Flip HTML5 plugin.
ACF: Properly sync taxonomies that are not in the same post type.
Calendarize It: Fix custom post info box content.
Sensei: Add support for quiz category questions.
Toolset: Ignore the post if it does not have a content template assigned.
Toolset: Fix "incorrect post type" fatal error.
WooCommerce: Fix bulk actions not working the first time. This is due to the internal Wordpress post cache not being flushed by WooCommerce as it should.
WP All Import: Enable term counting after import but before broadcast.

45.01 20190828

New add-on: WP Ultimo: Adds support for the WP Ultimo plugin.
Avia Layout Builder: Use standard preparse and parse actions to run all Avia content through all of the other add-ons.
Elementor: Add support for devices-extended widgets.
LearnDash: Allow for multiple course prerequisites.
NS Cloner: Add support for v4.
User Access Manager: Fix bug when groups not being assigned when broadcasting to more than one blog at a time.
WooCommerce: Add support for multiple Yith badges per product.
WPML: Check if WPML is active on the blog at all before starting the add-on.
WPML: Help the HREFLANG add-on generate links to all languages of the current page.
WPML: Use API for setting term languages, instead of direct database queries.

44.05 20190715

New add-on. WPForms: Adds support for the WPForms plugin.
LearnDash: Fix questions on front-end not displaying properly. Rebroadcast your quizzes if the questions on the front-end look weird.

44.04 20190621

New add-on. Download Manager: Adds support for the Download Manager plugin.
Elementor: Add support for parsing content in text fields.
Polylang: When creating terms, assign the correct languages.
WooCommerce: Add support for composite products.

44.03 20190515

Formidable Forms: Add support for form views.
LearnDash: Add broadcast_learndash_menu_access filter to allow non-super admins access to the tools.
LearnDash: Add workaround for broken lessons having more than one course reference.
Pods: Add support for image fields.

44.01 20190415

Global Blocks For Cornerstone: Added support for new v3 [cs_gb] shortcode.
Elementor: Add support for Global elements.
Elementor: Add support for Image Box elements.

43.17 20190402

Beaver Builder: Add support for Themer Layouts.
New add-on. Caldera Forms: Adds support for the Caldera Forms plugin.
Elementor: Add support for Caldera Forms elements.
Elementor: Do not abort broadcasting is a missing background image is found, just continue normally.
LearnDash: Added course tool to do actions on the WHOLE course at the same time: delete, trash, restore, unlink and find unlinked children.
WooCommerce: Add support for YITH WooCommerce Badge Management plugin.

43.16 20190222

ACF: Add support for the Clone field type.
ACF: Add support for the Image Crop Add-on
Calendarize It: Fix vendors and organizers not being saved to child post.
Elementor: Add support for Smartslider3 widget type.
Events Manager: Add support for recurring events. Seems to work best publishing the events locally before broadcasting them.
Formidable Forms: Update existing form settings. Also broadcast form actions.
LearnDash: Added preliminary support for v2.6 quizzes. The old 2.5 version of LD can still be used.
LearnDash: Dev: Added static::$keep_sfwd_courses_course_access_list property which allows the course access list to be overwritten during broadcast.
WooCommerce: Broadcast ALL variations, even those that are out of stock and hidden.

43.14 20190102

Beaver Builder: Added BROADCAST_BEAVER_BUILDER_NO_UPDATE_ON_SAVE define to prevent automatic updating of child posts when saving the layout on the front-end.
Elementor: Allow button URLs to be parsed in order to work with Local Items add-ons.
Elementor: Also parse shortcode widgets.
LearnDash: Fix courses that have apostrophes in them.
Smart Slider 3: Update the slider properties when broadcasting.

43.12 20181127

Formidable Forms: Fix fields not appearing due to field cache.
Formidable Forms: Add entry migration so that forms that are updated keep their entries.
Gravity Forms: Update the form title. Only affects those using the BROADCAST_GRAVITY_FORMS_USE_ID define.
LearnDash: Added tool to broadcast a whole course at once.
Polylang: Do not create terms on child blogs that are in other languages.
SiteOrigin Page Builder: Parse the text and content widget fields, allowing other Broadcast add-ons to detect their shortcodes in the widgets.
WPML: Fix duplication bug where terms are created in the wrong language.

43.11 20181018

GeoDirectory: Add broadcast_geodirectory_sync_table_structure_columns filter.
Fixes the plugin upgrade notice not disappearing due to "43.10" being treated as "43.1".

43.10 20181018

New add-on. Simple Custom Post Order adds support for the Simple Custom Post Order plugin.
ACF: Add support for the Component Fields plugin / field type.
GeoDirectory: Add broadcast_geodirectory_insert_place_detail filter.
WooCommerce: Allow order syncing without Back2Parent add-on, which means orders can only be synced to child blogs and not back.

43.9 20180922

New add-on. Formidable Forms: Adds support for the Formidable plugin.
Beaver Builder: Parse text fields, allowing other add-ons to modify their content also.
Beaver Builder: Parse post carousels also, modifying the post IDs so that they match those on the child blog.
Polylang: Only sync taxonomies that are used in the post. This is an optimization for those that have thousands of taxonomy terms.
User Access Manager: Also sync taxonomies.

43.8 20180821

Beaver Builder: Add support for photo and photos components.
Elementor: Fix FILE_BASE_DIR error.
Gravity Forms: Add BROADCAST_GRAVITY_FORMS_USE_ID define that forces syncs according to form ID, instead of form title.
New add-on. User Access Manager: Adds support for the User Access Manager plugin.

43.7 20180724

Beaver Builder: Add support post modules, which will translate category and post tag IDs on each child blog.
H5P: Fix. Try to update the H5P content on each child blog.
New add-on. UberMenu: Adds support for the UberMenu menu plugin.

43.6 20180625

ACF: Fix. Obey the custom field whitelist also.
Beaver Builder: Add support for Themer Layout locations (posts and taxonomies).
H5P: Fix. Copy all found files to correct ID subdirectory on child blog.

43.5 20180530

ACF: Sync taxonomies automatically when a taxonomy field has specified a taxonomy that is for a different post type.
New add-on: CM Tooltip Glossary: Adds support for the CM Tooltip Glossary plugin.
GEO My WP: Add support for posts locator database table.
Gravity Forms: Fix: Added support for the new v2.3+ database schema. v2.2 install will continue to work also.

43.4 20180506

Beaver Builder: Parse link fields also, allowing other add-ons like Local Links, to modify the links during broadcasting.
GeoDirectory: Fix categories not working for other types of post types.
H5P: Copy images from H5P content directories between blogs.
WooCommerce: Fix order syncing. Fixed missing order items by fetching the items manually using SQL, bypassing WooCommerce's unreliable functions.

43.2 20180403

New add-on. Google Maps Pro: Adds support for the Google Maps Pro plugin.
New add-on. Inbound Now: Adds support for the Inboundnow Marketing Suite.
New add-on. OneSignal: Adds support for the OneSignal – Free Web Push Notifications plugin.

43.1 20180227

Gravity Forms: Fix confirmation-actions not being properly broadcast. Also removed unnecessary SQL warnings in error log.

43 20180226

ACF: Fixed acf_disable_cache fatal error for older (<5.6) versions of ACF.
ACF: Added support for Group fields.
Divi Builder: Added support for global modules. [et_pb_section] shortcodes with the global_module attribute are correctly detected and the global module is also broadcast together with the post.
Gravity Forms: Added support for broadcasting / updating of form feeds (as per the gf_addon_feed table).
Gravity Forms: Fix warning when form does not have valid confirmation or display metadata.
WPML: For content that has no set language (ACF fields, for example) just allow normal broadcasting without checking or setting the language.
Yoast SEO: Added support for setting the primary category of a post.

42.4 20180129

New add-on. H5P: Adds support for the H5P Interactive Content plugin.
WooCommerce: Added support for YITH WooCommerce Tab Manager tabs. Broadcast the tabs first before broadcasting the product.

42.3 20180115

LearnDash: Add support for course builder data, allowing lessons and quizzes to be shared.
Pods: Automatically broadcast the pods that posts are using.
Polylang: Add setting to allow all translations to be broadcasted automatically after broadcasting a translation.

42.2 20171213

New add-on. GoodLayers: Adds support for the GoodLayers family of themes.
Polylang: Fix page languages not being saved correctly.
SNAP: Fix dupe Facebook posting.
Yoast SEO: Fix fatal error by disabling the Link Watcher during broadcasting.

42 20171130

ACF: Disable field caching during broadcast. This fixes a bug in ACF where the values of fields were sometimes not reported to Broadcast.
Gravity Forms: Apply correct confirmation redirect page on each child blog. The page will be broadcasted to the child if necessary.
Polylang: Added support for Polylang Pro. Tested with v2.2.6
Polylang: Translated terms retain their linking on child blogs.
Polylang: Allow non-translatable post types to be broadcasted. Fixes error where ACF fields were not broadcastable.
Post Expirator: Added support for category expiration.

41 20171030

Elementor: Added support for template widgets. Ensure that your template is broadcasted before trying to use it.
New add-on. Image Map Pro adds support for the Image Map Pro plugin.
LearnDash: Fix quizzes getting the correct course / lesson / certificate associations.
LearnDash: Question categories are now synced.
GeoDirectory: Add option to automatically create locations that don't exist on the child blog.
Gravity Forms: Fix form ID being displayed incorrectly in the editor.
Slider Revolution: Fix slider dupes being created because the alias wasn't being found properly.
New add-on. Sensei adds support for the Sensei plugin.
Toolset: Translate association to associated view, if any, when broadcasting content templates.
Toolset: Moved all of the various Broadcast options into a tabbed interface under the Toolset > Broadcast menu item.
New add-on. Unyson adds support for the Unyson page builder plugin.

40.1 20171004

LearnDash: Add question and answer search & replace function to easily make changes to your questions. Include automatic quiz broadcast functionality.
GeoDirectory: Added favorites and review syncing capability.
New add-on. WPCustom Category Image adds support for the WPCustom Category Image plugin.

40 20170922

LearnDash: Fix. Prevent overwriting of enrolled users when broadcasting courses.
New add-on. Pods adds support for the Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields plugin.
Toolset: If using PHP Code add-on, allow automatic finding of unlinked Toolset post types on the child blog to link existing types, avoiding dupes.
WooCommerce: Force overwriting of order items, now also overwriting all order item meta values to ensure that the order is completely synced.
WooCommerce: Added support for refunds in orders.

39.1 20170903

Elementor: Added support for background images, templates and template shortcodes.
LearnDash: Fix. Update base quiz data in the quiz table when broadcasting.
LearnDash: Fix. Automatically increase Broadcast's save_post priority to higher than LearnDash's (2000) in order to broadcast the changes directly, instead of needing a double-update.
Slider Revolution: Added support for static layers.
Toolset: Add ability to broadcast taxonomies.
Ultimate Member: Display Broadcasted column for UM forms.
WPML: Remember taxonomy term translations between blogs.

39 20170802

ACF: Added support for Broadcast's new taxonomy term handling code. This allows blacklisting and protecting of taxonomy term meta.
Intagrate: New add-on. Adds support for the Intagrate plugin.
Mailster: New: Added support for autoresponders.
Mailster: Fix: List assignments are copied and assigned when broadcasting newsletters and autoresponders on each child blog.
WPLMS: New add-on. Adds support for Vibethemes' WPLMS theme.
Yoast SEO: Added support for Broadcast's new taxonomy term handling code. This allows blacklisting and protecting of taxonomy term meta.

38.6 20170703

ACF: Separate handling of flexible fields so that ACF v4 flex fields can work at the same time as v5.
Beaver Builder: Parse all text fields individually, allowing for shortcodes to be found and processed.
Elementor: New add-on. Adds support for the Elementor Page Builder plugin.
FooGallery: Added broadcast meta box for individual galleries.
Global Blocks For Cornerstone: New add-on. Adds support for the Global Blocks for Cornerstone plugin.
Gravity Forms: New add-on. Adds support for the Gravity Forms plugin.
LearnDash: Added support for quiz questions and answers, not just the quiz post type itself.
Mailster: New add-on. Adds support for the Mailster plugin.
NS Cloner: New add-on. Adds support for the NS Cloner plugin.
Slider Revolution: Added support for sliders in the Envision theme.
Yoast SEO: Hide notification about changed slug (which is perfectly normal when broadcasting).

38.4 20170605

EventON: Add RSVP broadcast and syncing. If the event is broadcasted, the attendees will be broadcasted from the event's parent blog as the source. Requires Broadcast v38.4.
EventON: Add support for Action User add-on in order to give User & Blog Settings a chance to broadcast form submissions.
Ultimate Member: New add-on. Adds support for the Ultimate Member plugin.

38.3 20170523

Beaver Builder: Added BB settings copy function under the Broadcast menu.
Jetpack: New addon. Adds support for Automattic's Jetpack plugin.
Slider Revolution: New addon. Adds support for the Slider Revolution plugin.
The Events Calendar: Use API to broadcast venues and events.
WooCommerce: Fix variation broadcasting to multiple blogs.
WooCommerce: Add support for plugin.

38.2 20170428

GeoDirectory: Add extra check for missing database tables on the child blogs, which should prevent a lot of headaches when attachments aren't being correctly copied.
Ninja Forms: Added menu item for copying Ninja Form settings between blogs, like WooCommerce has.
Polylang: Fix translations not being linked for some people since v35.x.
WooCommerce: AutomateWoo: retrieve the parent product link data for triggers. Fixes wrong product triggers when using child products.
WooCommerce: Disable v3 save_post workaround for WooCommerce v3.0.4+. Apparently they fixed whatever they broke in v3.

38 20170406

Finally dropped the "ThreeWP" prefix from the plugin name! The code remains the same, just the name has become simpler: Broadcast...

WooCommerce: Add product image gallery handler, so no more need for the Custom Field Attachments add-on.
WooCommerce: Also sync variations stock, not just normal products.
WooCommerce: Fix. Add workaround for how WooCommerce v3.0 saves products. This prevented the image gallery from being correctly broadcast.
WPML: Ignore content that has no translations. Fixes bug where content without translations that should be broadcasted (EventOn events, for example) was not broadcasted.
WPML: Add menu item to force broadcast of content to blogs whithout the language. Fixes a weird bug for some installations that had hidden languages which, for some installations, regarded the language as inactive and would therefore not broadcast the content there.

37.2 20170326

WooCommerce: Add settings copy feature, to quickly duplicate (overwrite) WC settings between blogs. See add-on page for more details.

37.1 20170322

EventON: Also copy location images.
EventON: Add support for v2.5.1 locations.
WooCommerce: Fix fatal error due to translation: is_wp_error_message_box().

Obsolete add-ons removed: Types, Views

37 20170316

Contact Form 7: Attempt to link existing forms using their title, else broadcast a new one. Requires that forms have exacty the same title in the shortcode as they are called in the form list.
Events Manager: Fix new location ID not being correctly set on the child blog. Also use $wpdb to insert event and location data instead of using raw SQL. Read the Events Manager page for info about how badly the EM plugin is written.

36.2 20170307

ACF: Location rules fix. If set to a post that is not broadcasted, leave the post ID alone instead of setting it to 0.
ACF: Prevent looping when post object fields point back to the same post.

36.1 20170305

ACF: Better handling of repeater fields in ACF5, and more workarounds added for repeater fields in ACF4.

36 20170303

ACF: For text values, use the values that ACF reports, not the raw values. Addition to the ACF fix below.
ACF: ACF fields for taxonomies obey the custom field black/protect lists.
LearnDash: New add-on. Adds support for the LearnDash LMS plugin.
WooCommerce: Fix incorrect variation post title (that is never seen).
WP All Import: New add-on. Adds support for post updates from Soffly's WP All Import Pro.

Obsolete add-ons: The next version of the pack will disable the following add-ons, so please enable their replacements:
Types has been replaced by Toolset.
Views has been replaced by Toolset.

35.8 20170130

ACF: Do not allow ACF to process text fields before broadcasting them (= return the values completely raw).

35.7 20170127

ACF: Fix 1 values when retrieving text values from non-post text fields.
GeoDirectory: Fix broken featured image URL. GD, unlike Wordpress, likes to have a forward slash at the beginning of the URL.
Ninja Forms: Added form action syncing.

35.6 20170117

Polylang: Fix to allow for broadcasting without linking to a blog without the same language.

35.5 20170113

Ninja Forms: New add-on: Adds support for the Ninja Forms plugin.

35.3 20170106

Aqua Page Builder: New add-on: Adds support for the Aqua Page Builder plugin.

35.1 20161220

Polylang: Added menu item where one can now select the action if the language does not exist on the child blog.
WooCommerce: Fix renaming of variation post names.

35 20161206

ACF: Show the Broadcasted column in the field group overview.
Download Monitor: Replace the URL in the download version with the attachment's URL on each blog.
WooCommerce: Added support for partial broadcasts, together with the queue add-on. See the WC settings tab. Use this function if your products has many variations that cause PHP timeouts.

34.5 20161111

Divi Builder: New add-on. Adds support for Divi Builder and themes using it.

34.4 20161107

ACF: Check for valid posts when adding relationship posts.
WPML: When using the duplicating translation button, Broadcast will only broadcast parent posts, not child posts also.
Yoast SEO: Add menu option to allow taxonomy term canonical URLs to be ignored / protected. This is for users who do not want the canonical URL of terms to be broadcasted to child blogs.

34.3 20161027

ACF: Add workaround for incorrect detection of post number in post fields. This caused fatal errors when ACF fields for taxonomies were created and used within the post.
Beaver Builder: New add-on: Adds support for the Beaver Builder page builder.
WooCommerce: Allow broadcasting of disabled AutomateWoo workflows.
WPML: Better detection of network-activated WPML.

34.2 20161006

Download Monitor: Put only download version attachments into the dlm_uploads directory, not attachments for the download itself.
Toolset: Add ability to broadcast content templates.
WooCommerce: Add support for AutomateWoo workflows.
WooCommerce: Add category thumbnail and display type support.

34.1 20160927

ACF: Add wildcard support for checking the ACF field names against the custom field protect list. And blacklist checking also supports wildcards now.

34 20160925

ACF and WooCommerce: Code change. Use new ->copy_attachment_to_blog() function to prevent double copying of images attached to [taxonomy] meta.
Contact Form 7: Remove unused code warning.
WooCommerce: Workaround for old versions of WooCommerce that don't have the get_woocommerce_term_meta function.
WPML: Include temporary fix for Wordpress action/filter bug that prevents the editor language of duplicated posts from being updated on the child. Requires a patched WPML. This fix will become obsolete when Wordpress 4.7 is released, due to the *5 year old* bug being finally fixed.

33.1 20160913

SNAP: Better support for [featured] images in posts. It does this by SNAPping only after all images have been attached.
WPML: Allow broadcasting to blogs on which WPML is not active. This will result in just normal broadcasting.
WooCommerce: Added support for the WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos plugin.

33 20160817

ACF: Sync ACF fields in taxonomies during broadcasting and during manual taxonomy sync.
Avia Layout Builder: Use new Shortcode Attachments and Shortcode Menus add-ons to parse the builder content, which now allows you to use menu shortcodes in your Avia content also.
Contact Form 7: New add-on. Adds support for Takayuki Miyoshi's Contact Form 7 plugin.
Events Manager: Fix broadcasted events not showing in the location's overview page.
WPML: Duplicate Content button automatically broadcasts post to all child blogs. Those child blogs without the duplicated language are ignored, as per normal WPML broadcasting rules.
WP Ultimate Recipe: Now supports meal plans. The recipes in the meals must already exist on each child blog.
Yoast SEO: New add-on. Adds support for the Yoast SEO plugin. Only needed if you want taxonomy SEO data synced when broadcasting.

32 20160715

EventON: Added experimental ticket syncing.
Toolset: Merged the Types and Views plugins. Now broadcast CRED forms, types and views.
Types: Obsolete. Please use Toolset add-on instead.
Views: Obsolete. Please use Toolset add-on instead.
WooCommerce: Can now stock sync on its own. Extra removed.
WooCommerce: Added experimental order syncing.

31 20160705

ACF: Added support for content preparsing on textarea fields also.
Calendarize It: New add-on. Adds support for Calendarize It! events.
Download Monitor: Use the preparse actions to parse download shortcodes everywhere (like in ACF text fields, for example).
Events Manager: New add-on. Adds support for the Events Manager plugin.
The Events Calendar: Bulk post actions are applied to all recurring events when modifying the main / root event. See the TEC page for details on how to disable this feature. Depending on feedback, this feature can be turned into a menu item.
Types: Add support for manual broadcast of post types to other blogs.
Views: Add support for manual broadcast of views to other blogs.
WooCommerce: Add ability to broadcast membership plans.

30 20160606

ACF: Extended support for conditional gallery local / global images.
ACF: Added support for the link field type.
ACF: Added support for content preparsing, therefore requiring v30 of Broadcast. This will parse links and gallery shortcodes in text, url, link and wysiwyg fields.
Download Monitor: Allow download attachments to be copied to the dlm_uploads subdirectory - the file URL in the version remains unchanged, though.
Tao Schedule Update: Plugin added. Adds support for Tao Schedule Update plugin.
The Events Calendar: Better saving of custom fields upon intial broadcast (instead of having to double publish to get the custom fields to show).

29.1 20160418

Download Monitor: New plugin. Adds support for downloads and shortcodes from Never5's Download Monitor plugin.
Polylang: Allow appending of languages. If you manually add languages to the child posts, they will be preserved when the parent post rebroadcasts.
Polylang: Prevent language and flag data in the language taxonomy of the child blogs from being overwritten. Now en (US) will not overwrite en (GB) for example.
WP Ultimate Recipe: Remove debug info.

29 20160405

ACF: Added support for the Conditional Gallery field type. See the ACF page for notes on this.
ACF: Added support for parsing of image links in text and wysiwyg content.
WP Ultimate Recipe: Plugin has been moved into 3rd party pack.
WP Ultimate Recipe: Added support for recipe instruction images.

All packs now have RedHat / CentOS SSL workaround for updates automatically enabled.

28.2 20160301

ACF: Fix warning when trying to parse fields without values.
EventOn: Fix error by checking that the event is using tickets.
EventOn: Add support for proper broadcasting of the location and organizer.
GeoDirectory: Code fix: Use terms() instead of obsolete equivalent_terms() method.

28.1 20160208

Activity Monitor: Update compatability with hook class.
Post Expirator: Plugin added. Adds support for Aaron Axelsen's Post Expirator plugin.

28 20160118

EventON: Plugin added. Adds support for Ashan Jay's EventON plugin with tickets.

27.2 20151215

SiteOrigin Page Builder: Plugin added. Adds support for SiteOrigin's Page Builder plugin.

27.1 20151209

ACF: Fix flexible field images for ACF v4. Apparently images in flexfields did not work correctly. ACF v5 untouched.

27 20151124

Avia Layout Builder: Plugin added.

26.2 20151104

ACF: Removed taxonomy fields support for non-pro versions of ACF.

26.1 20151103

WooCommerce: Fix broadcasting products. Asking WooCommerce to return a product is not a good enough check, it has to be checked manually.

26 20151102

Initial version.