The links below explain how Broadcast works and an introduction into what can be done.
There is also some developer info regarding how to use Broadcast to make your work more efficient.
User manual
- An introduction to Broadcast
- Attachments, images and media
- Custom fields
- Debug mode
- Linking
- Post actions and the bulk action dropdown
- Taxonomy handling
- Uninstalling
If you have several single installs and would like to use Broadcast, you’ll have to merge your single WordPress installs into a network install.
Use cases
Over the years Broadcast has been used in various scenarios. Here are a few of the common ones:
- Broadcast in the school classroom
- Franchising with WordPress and Broadcast
- On-Demand Content Syndication with Broadcast Parent Pull
- Sharing forms on a WordPress network
- Wholesale with WooCommerce and Broadcast
Pack manual
Installation of the packs is pretty straight-forward, but screenshots never hurt.
Developer manual
Here are some developer snippets that are requested once in a while.
- Add access to a blog
- Attachments: Remove PDFs from the broadcast
- BBPress: Automatically broadcast new topics
- “Broadcasted from” shortcode
- “Broadcasted to” shortcode
- Change post status during broadcast
- Change the author during broadcast
- Change the name of a blog
- Conditional broadcasting: custom field
- Copy Options: Automatically copy when options are updated
- Copy Options: Translate post IDs
- Delete taxonomy terms during broadcasting
- Do not broadcast a taxonomy
- Faking a shortcode to broadcast an item
- Formidable: Broadcast entries hourly
- Gravity Forms: Do not sync feeds for existing forms
- Gravity Forms: Do not update notifications settings
- King Composer support
- Learndash: Preserve the registration button URL
- Media Cleanup – Delete only image files
- Media Cleanup – Modify search regexps
- Menus: Do not modify some item URLs
- Modify allowed post statuses
- Modifying custom field lists in realtime
- Modify the Broadcast meta box
- Modify the hreflang links
- Network Media Library: Fixing broken thumbnails
- Parse custom fields
- Preventing broadcast to a blog
- Process custom field arrays
- Post actions from the child to the parent
- Protect taxonomy term description and thumbnail
- Queue: Allow access
- Redirect All Children
- Remove access to a blog
- Select a blog in the meta box
- Select the Back To Parent checkbox
- Set broadcast info custom fields
- Shortcodes: Replace local shortcodes in the post, featured image and custom fields
- Shortcode Items parse_find and replace_id actions
- SQL: Create the Broadcast data (linking) table manually
- Sync taxonomies programmatically
- Taxonomies: Do not broadcast a taxonomy
- Taxonomies: Force renaming of terms
- Taxonomies: Only broadcast terms without parents
- Taxonomies: Parse image fields
- Unselect the “Link this post” checkbox.
- Update post content via after_modify_post action
- WP All Import: Broadcast after import
- WPML: Broadcasting from non-WPML to WPML blogs