Broadcasted to shortcode

Here is a shortcode to display where this post is broadcasted to.

Insert the code somewhere (perhaps into your theme’s functions.php) and then use the shortcode [broadcasted_to] to show the reader where this post is broadcasted.

function broadcasted_to()
	// Check that Broadcast is enabled.
	if ( ! function_exists( 'ThreeWP_Broadcast' ) )
	// Load the broadcast data for this post.
	global $post;
	$broadcast_data = ThreeWP_Broadcast()->get_post_broadcast_data( get_current_blog_id(), $post->ID );
	// This post must be a child. Check for a parent.
	$children = $broadcast_data->get_linked_children();
	if ( count( $children ) < 1 )
	$links = [];
	foreach( $children as $child_blog_id => $child_post_id )
		// Fetch the permalink
		switch_to_blog( $child_blog_id );
		$blog_name = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
		$permalink = get_post_permalink( $child_post_id );
		$link = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>.', $permalink, $blog_name );
		$links []= $link;
	// And now assemble a text.
	$links = '<li>' . implode( '</li><li>', $links ) . '</li>';
	$r = sprintf( 'This post was broadcasted from <ul>%s</ul>', $links );
	return $r;
add_shortcode( 'broadcasted_to', 'broadcasted_to' );