Preventing broadcast to a blog

This snippet for Broadcast shows how to prevent broadcasting to a blog depending on child blog ID and WPML language.

add_action( 'threewp_broadcast_broadcasting_after_switch_to_blog', 'my_threewp_broadcast_broadcasting_after_switch_to_blog', 100 );
	@brief		Prevent a post from being broadcasted depending on child blog and language.
	@since		2018-03-01 16:25:22
function my_threewp_broadcast_broadcasting_after_switch_to_blog( $action )
	// -------------

		@brief		These are blog IDs to which never to broadcast.
		@since		2018-03-01 16:26:39
	$blog_ids_to_ignore = [

		@brief		For WPML: These are the languages that are not to be broadcasted ever.
		@since		2018-03-01 16:26:13
	$languages_to_ignore = [
		'de',		// Always ignore German posts
		'fr',		// Always ignore French posts

		@brief		For WPML: These are language => blog_id languages to not broadcast.
		@since		2018-03-01 16:27:30
	$blog_languages_to_ignore = [
		'af' => [ 25, 98, 662 ],		// Ignore Afrikaans to blogs 25, 98 and 663
		'hu' => [ 45 ],					// Ignore Hungarian to blog 45

	// -----------

	// Are we on a blog to ignore?
	if ( in_array( get_current_blog_id(), $blog_ids_to_ignore ) )
		$action->broadcast_here = false;
		return ThreeWP_Broadcast()->debug( 'Ignoring this blog due to blog_ids_to_ignore.' );

	$bcd = $action->broadcasting_data;

	// Is WPML installed?
	if ( ! isset( $bcd->wpml ) )

	// Check whether we should ignore this language.
	if ( in_array( $bcd->wpml->language, $languages_to_ignore ) )
		$action->broadcast_here = false;
		return ThreeWP_Broadcast()->debug( 'Ignoring this blog due to languages_to_ignore.' );

	// And now the language / blog combo.
	if ( isset( $blog_languages_to_ignore[ $bcd->wpml->language ] ) )
		// Convenience.
		$blog_ids = $blog_languages_to_ignore[ $bcd->wpml->language ];
		if ( in_array( get_current_blog_id(), $blog_ids ) )
			$action->broadcast_here = false;
			return ThreeWP_Broadcast()->debug( 'Ignoring this blog due to language %s and blog %d.',

	// We've gotten this far. Good to go! No changes needed to $broadcasting_data.