
Elementor banner

This add-on for Broadcast adds support for the Elementor Page Builder plugin.

The following features are supported:

  • Advanced SVG Icons
  • background images
  • Caldera Forms
  • carousel
  • devices-extended
  • display conditions for templates
  • Dynamic links
  • editor fields (in order to allow other add-ons to parse shortcodes and URLs)
  • gallery
  • global elements
  • ha-comparison table
  • icon
  • icon list
  • image box
  • image
  • image gallery
  • Jet Attached Popups
  • Jet Listing Grid
  • Jet Smart Filters (Checkboxes and Range)
  • loop-carousel
  • Loop grids
  • Popups in dynamic links
  • ProductIntroFullDetail
  • Smart Slider 3
  • templates
  • template shortcodes
  • vt-saaspot_agency
  • vt-saaspot_resource
  • WooCommerce condition display (product terms and categories)

Elements that I know of require special work but are not automatically handled:

  • UberMenus (requires the Menus add-on to broadcast the menus and set the menu manually after broadcasting the template).

With the add-on enabled, linked children are automatically updated when saving from within the Elementor editor.

To broadcast a template, broadcast a page that contains a [elementor-template id=”123″] shortcode on it. Broadcast will detect the template ID and broadcast it over to the child blog.



Integrates with the PHP Code add-on to enable copying of Jet Engine custom post types and taxonomies.

Missing sections

Are you missing whole sections of your page on the child blogs? Check that you have the the flexbox features enabled on the child site also.

Unlimited Elements

If you have the Unlimited Elements plugin, you can broadcast which elements you have activated using this add-on. See the screenshots.



Tested with

Version 1.4.10.

Where to buy

This add-on is a part of the following packs:


  1. Hello,

    I have some Elementor Templates that I want to reuse on several sites included on my Multisite WP install.

    Using this add-on will it keep all my sites updated when I make changes to a template on my main site?


    1. Yepp. Broadcast the template first, and then broadcast any pages you want that contain the [elementor-template] shortcode. The equivalent template ID will be placed in the shortcode on each child blog, and then when you update the template it will be updated on each linked child.

  2. HI,

    When I broadcast a page that is built in elementor, the internal links don’t update the domain change. EG mywebsite.com/page when broadcast ISNT changing to mywebsite.com/site2/page (i have my sites setup under subdirectories)
    Is this possible to automatically update?

  3. Hello,

    I have several different sub domains on a multisite with individual domain names. Example website1.com , website2.com. And so on. I have 6 Elementor pages that are identical through out all of the individual websites. Would I be able to assign master pages that whatever I change content wise on the master it updates the pages on all of the other websites within my multisite?

    1. Absolutely. That’s how Broadcast works: broadcasting one page to other sites in the network. Then updating the parent page will cascade the changes to each linked child site.

  4. Hello, I use picture galleries with Elementor in my posts> https://docs.elementor.com/article/597-gallery-widget – I have the 3rd party broadcast plugin … everything works wonderfully. only the pictures in the gallery are not displayed. in the source code, the url is empty. as a note yet – I use filebird (https://wordpress.org/plugins/filebird/) – in normal images, it works great too – only galleries do not transfer .. can you help? thank you greeting ralf
    1. Image gallery widgets should be supported. Could you enable Broadcast debug mode, broadcast the post and then send me the debug text to read through?

  5. HI, I’m using multisite WP with elementor and create templates (library) to put in pages in all sites. name1.sites.com/page | name2.sites.com/page | etc…

    Inside this page has a some elementor library. Is it possible when I update the master library, all pages will update?

    1. Yes.

      The library itself is a custom post type (elementor_library) that the Elementor add-on can broadcast. After having broadcasted and linked the library, you can just update the parent library and the child libraries will be updated.

  6. Tks, but I do this and all are duplicate,

    all site have a “dashboard elementor library”, when I link in Broadcast, in the other site create a new “dashboard elementor library”. Duplicate the same library.

    is it possible just update the exist elementor library?

    1. If a duplicate library is being created it is because the existing library is not linked.

      To link to an existing library, select the parent library from the post overview screen, use the “find unlinked children” bulk post action and you should see a link created to the existing library on the child blog.

      After that, you should be able to update the libraries without duplicates being created.

  7. Hi, When I broadcast a post that is build in elementor, the background colors of the columns disappear. Will this add-on solve my problem?
    1. Solid background colors should not be affected. The add-on will handle background images, though.

      Could you enable Broadcast debug mode, broadcast the post and then send me the debug text to read through?

  8. Hello Edward, I created global widgets in the Elementor – with the icon list. I used an SVG as the icon. I have to call up this SVG again on the receiving side and save it again. Then it was also available globally on the reception side. Only the CSS of the sending side is not adopted. What can that be? Trick? Greetings Ralf
    1. Not being familiar with Elementor myself, I’ll have to ask that you enable broadcast debug mode, broadcast the post in question to one blog, send me the debug text to read through and then point out which SVG file you’re missing.

      It’s probably just Broadcast that doesn’t know about SVG icons or something.

    1. Not being an Elementor user myself, I’m not quite sure what you mean. Could you screenshot and show me what you mean?

  9. I am having an issue with the Elementor add-on. When I broadcast an Elementor template to a child, the Display Conditions don’t seem to be correct. In the child, they default to All.

    Display Conditions are the rules that assign templates to pages. For example, you can create a condition that applies an Elementor template to an individual page, or a post type, etc. You can even have multiply conditions. This problem makes broadcasting templates unusable if the intent is to keep them in sync. Please advise. Thanks!

    1. I have a beta version of the add-on that handles display conditions. If you e-mail me I can send it over.

  10. Hi

    When I broadcast templates, the template ID in the child site is different from the original template ID. This is meaning that if I have parts of my page template which use shortcodes to pull in section templates, these don’t work.

    Any ideas?

    1. Do you mean the [elementor-template] shortcode? The ID in that shortcode should be automatically modified to match the equivalent ID on each child. This is something the Elementor add-on does in the background, when it detects a shortcode.

  11. Thanks for you reply – yes, that’s the shortcode I mean… I don’t understand what you mean by ‘the equivalent ID on each child’?

    Here’s my specific usage issue:

    I want to have a custom field dropdown where admins on the child sites can select from 4 page templates. On the parent site, this works by the dropdown values containing the elementor template IDs. The custom field broadcasts fine, but because the elementor template IDs are different in the child post vs. the parent, the dropdown values don’t match to the elementor template.

    Does that make sense? Is there a workaround you can suggest to resolve this?


    1. How is the dropdown populated? Are the IDs hardcoded?

      Ideally, one should use a get_posts with the correct post_type and use the IDs there.

      The Elementor add-on will modify the IDs of the templates it broadcasts which, while the content and template title and everything will be identical on all blogs, the IDs won’t be. So you’ll have to account for the different IDs, which is a limitation within WordPress itself.

  12. Yes, the IDs are hardcoded – would the method that you have suggested work even if I only want to offer a small selection of templates? If so, can I set this up using ACF, or will I need to code it manually?… My php knowledge is very basic, so and instructions/advice here would be great.


    1. I’m trying to figure out the best way to handle this. It feels like ACF should be the solution here, but I’m not sure how. Perhaps we can discuss more via e-mail? Feel free to e-mail me some pics of your current setup and we can then see what can be done.

  13. Hello! I would like to use Broadcast with Elementor to broadcast a Home page at the time of creation. Is this possible? The subsite has a blog layout as the home page and I need this to be an Elementor template. What is the best way to do this?

    Thanks for a great plugin!

    1. Since I’m not an Elementor user myself, I’m not quite sure what you require. Do you want a page to be force broadcasted? Or a template broadcasted whenever a page is updated?

    2. Thank you for the prompt reply, Edward!

      Looking further into the add-ons, I’m thinking the Bulk cloner might work? So I create a master subsite that has all the necessary templates and layouts, including the home page, and then just clone that for every new subsite that I want to add. Would that work? I just want to change the name of the subsite so that every blogger on the platform has their own mini-blog with exactly the same look and feel.

    3. Using the Bulk Cloner, either in manual or in spreadsheet mode, seems like it should solve your problem. You can also try other site cloning plugins such as NS Cloner, but I’m not sure about their level of support. :)

    4. Ok, it won’t work so please ignore my previous reply. I will play around some more. Thank you!
    5. I missed your message about NS Cloner :) Now we are starting to talk the same language.

      With Bulk or NS Cloner, I would like to create a subsite from a Master site that has the Elementor template on the Home page….but I have to create the subsite first that includes the Homepage setup. Because I want to broadcast the home page of the master, I seem to be wanting to do the impossible.

      Unless you have any ideas, maybe I should create a static home page and just broadcast a blog page as a menu item.

    6. Without knowing your exact setup, lots of people who have a similar setup, with clones blogs for various users, will usually use a base template site, which they then clone. The template site is not the main site, though – but a completely empty site ready to be cloned. In that way, you can have pages on your clones all linked back to the template site, ready to be updated.

    7. Hi Edward. Thank you again for your prompt responses.

      The challenge is that the Home page banner uses an Elementor template that I only want to manage in the master site.

      I understand how to use Broadcast for the other pages because I just broadcast and they miraculously appear! I just can’t see a way to have the Elementor template on a home page.

      I can give you an actual example if I’m not making sense. I have used Broadcast and NS Cloner successfully in the past, but it becomes a headache when there are a number of subsites and I need to tweak the Home page template for all of them.

    8. I think it would be easiest if you just e-mailed me and showed me some screenshots of what you need done. I’m sure there’s a way Broadcast can help you save time. :)

  14. I assume that Elementor Pro is required as template shortcodes are not available in the free version of Elementor. Am I correct?
    1. Not being an Elementor user myself, I cannot say. I can only say that people that use Elementor have asked me to add support for various Elementor widgets and features, and I’ve done so. Can’t say which features are free and which are in pro. Ask the Elementor people?

  15. Hi dear developers. I am building a network with elementor and the wpultimo plugin where users can buy subscriptions and create their own websites. WPultimo has the ability to create a master website with all pages, header, footer etc and then this website will be cloned to each subscription so every new user will have rhe same design. Since I work with elementor, each template in the master website may have design or feature changes in the future so at the moment the only solution is to manualy change each template in each subsite which is not actualy a solution more than a nightmare. So my questions is:
    Can I create all templates with elementor in the master website which will be cloned for each subsite and then if I make some changes to the master templates, those changes will be broadcasted to all subsites? I hope the way I wrote my request it is not very complicted. Thank you in advanced.
    1. Only one developer here. :) Yes, it’s perfectly possible to broadcast templates – in fact that’s why the Elementor add-on exists: to broadcast templates and the various widgets / elements in the builder.

  16. Hello

    I have read the comments and I can see that Ralf have had the issue earlier on.
    But I can’t see any ansver for this issue?

    Best regards, Kristian

    “I use picture galleries with Elementor in my posts> https://docs.elementor.com/article/597-gallery-widget – I have the 3rd party broadcast plugin … everything works wonderfully. only the pictures in the gallery are not displayed. in the source code, the url is empty. as a note yet – I use filebird (https://wordpress.org/plugins/filebird/) – in normal images, it works great too – only galleries do not transfer .. can you help? thank you greeting ralf”

    1. It’s quite impossible to say without a broadcast debug text. Could you enable Broadcast debug mode, broadcast the post to one blog and then send me the long, long, long debug text to read through?

      That will tell me what Broadcast is doing.

    2. Hi Edward

      Sorry for not getting back to you, but the issue was solved by updating the wordpress network.

      Now I got a new issue, where the links defined on an elementor page shows up at the different at the broadcasted pages

      An exampel is like this.
      Original page: /gulve/traegulve/
      Broadcasted page: /gulve/traegulve/#/gulve/traegulve/

      Why do I the link change?

    3. The permalinks are generated by the permalink settings of each site: Admin > Settings > Permalinks.

      BC has nothing to do with any permalinks.

    4. I can’t guarentee that the permalinks have nothing to do with it, but it seems a little odd to me, that the link these to links are different since the second page is a broadcast of the first.
      Every button with “Læs mere” have a link

      There links do now look like it was stated earlier on.

      Can you tell me why the links are different?

      The only thing that have been changed is a removal of another page which was broadcasted.

    5. Broadcast doesn’t modify the permalinks. When broadcasting, WordPress will generate a permalink for the child page automatically.

      Exactly how WordPress generates the link, and then presents the link, does not involve Broadcast unless you have the permalinks or redirect add-ons active, but they modify to which site the permalink points. BC doesn’t modify the slugs or where on the child site the links point.

      So the question is, do you have any permalink modifying plugins active. Maybe a setting in elementor itself?

  17. How does broadcasting change with Elementor work? I have a parent page, I added a text widget to it with some text, and clicked “Update” and all of the children blogs are linked in the settings…but that text widget hasn’t copied to any of them. I’ve tried using the Rebroadcast and Send to Many functions as well, but no luck. Am I missing something?
    1. Pressing the save button should result in the child posts being updated. Or, pressing the publish button also.

      Maybe there is some caching going on? Care to email me the massive broadcast debug text file from when you change the post and then press update?

    2. Nvm disregard – it was broadcasting, but for some reason a duplicate of the page was created in all the children blogs that the parent is linked to so I didn’t see it…thanks
  18. It’s possible to deactivate the link between parent model and the children page ? I tried to uncheck link on page settings, but when i modify my parent page, it’s populate all change on my children ?
    1. If you unlink the parent page using the bulk post action, or within the editor, the only time the child should get linked again is if you select to broadcast to that site.

      What do you mean by “page settings”? E-mail me a screenshot?

  19. Hi Edward, I was searching was something like it and I found this article and documentation and I suppose this could be it. What I want to ask, before making a purchase, is whether it will work on websites which are not multisites. For example I have some websites which have some pages which are to be common across all websites and some which vary with the website, e.g. Home About Contact etc.

    How to make such a system where when I edit it on a master site the template gets updated on all sites. Remember these websites are not instances of multisite but separate websites with their own domain names, may be hosted on same server but can be hosted on different servers as well.

  20. Hi Edward,

    I have shared/broadcasted the Elementor template “Standard kit” from the main site (containing all style settings and more) too the subsites. Can I set Elementor on the subsites to use this Sandard kit template, so that styling on all sites will be controlled from the Main site Standard kit?
    Thanks for any help :)

    Best redards, Siv

    1. I’m not an elementor expert but I would think that Elementor uses the standard kit template (post) automatically.

      If not, perhaps a duplicate “standard kit” was created, the Elementor is still using the original standard kit? I solve duplicates using the delete before broadcast add-on, that will first delete all posts with the “standard kit” post name, and then creating a new, linked post in its stead.

      After that, rebroadcasting the standard kit will update the kit on all linked child sites.

  21. Elementor integration with the Broadcast plugin is a game-changer for content creators managing multiple WordPress sites. The seamless compatibility makes it so much easier to design and syndicate engaging layouts across various platforms. This addon truly simplifies workflows and boosts efficiency. Great work on bridging the gap between creativity and multi-site management!

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