This add-on for Broadcast prevents various properties of child posts from being overwritten. Normally, existing children are completely overwritten when updating, but this add-on can restore some of the child post values to their status before the update.
Properties that can be protected
- Attachments – This prevents the attachments on the child post from being automatically deleted upon post update. This might be useful to prevent several posts, that share the same [featured] images, from deleting and duplicating images amongst themselves.
- Author
- Content
- Custom fields
- Excerpt
- Featured image
- Menu Order
- Modification date
- Parent post
- Password
- Permalink / post name
- Post title – The human-readable title of the post. Note that this does not refer to the post slug.
- Publish date
- Status – Published, draft, private, etc.
- Taxonomies
There is also an option to protect the child properties only if the child has been modified.
Comparison of attachment-related plugins
Feature | Basic | Duplicate Attachments | Protect Child Properties | Update Attachments |
Keeps existing attachments1 | Choice | No | Choice | Yes✓ |
Thumbnail regeneration speed2 | Slow | Fast | Slow | Slow |
Updates existing files in place | No | No | No | Yes✓ |
1 If several posts share the same attachment and it is deleted before broadcasting, the attachment ID will not match that of the newly-copied attachment. Otherwise the automatic deletion of attachments before broadcast is not a problem.
2 Regeneration occurs when an image attachment is copied to the child blog for the first time.
If your webdev likes programming in PHP, I can tell him how to write the code for new protections. Have him e-mail me and I’ll give him something to keep him busy. :)