Faking a shortcode to broadcast an item

The snippet below shows how to broadcast a broadcastable shortcode using a value from a custom field.

For example, you have a Gravity Form ID in a custom field and want:

  • the form ID detected
  • the form broadcasted to the child blog
  • the form ID value in the custom field updated

This example requires the Gravity Forms Broadcast add-on, of course.

// There are three CONFIG variables for you to customize.

add_action( 'threewp_broadcast_broadcasting_started', 'my_threewp_broadcast_broadcasting_started' );
	@brief		Broadcast a broadcastable shortcode, perhaps a Gravity Form, using a value from a custom field.
	@details	This involves using the item ID from the field to fake a shortcode that is sent to be preparsed and then parsed.
	@since		2018-02-20 11:15:21
function my_threewp_broadcast_broadcasting_started( $action )
		@brief		CONFIG: This is the name of the custom field which contains the item ID.
		@since		2018-02-20 11:22:00
	$custom_field_key = 'the_custom_field_name';

		@brief		CONFIG: This is the shortcode you want to fake.
		@since		2018-02-20 11:26:40
	$shortcode = '[gravityform id="%d"]';

		@brief		CONFIG: This is the key in the shortcode you want to put back into the custom field.
		@since		2018-02-20 11:36:27
	$item_key = 'id';

	// Done with config!

	$bcd = $action->broadcasting_data;
	$custom_field_id = $bcd->custom_fields()->get_single( $custom_field_key );
	// There must be a custom field with a valid value.
	if ( $custom_field_id < 1 )
	$bcd->fake_shortcode = (object)[];
	$bcd->fake_shortcode->content = sprintf( $shortcode, $custom_field_id );
	$bcd->fake_shortcode->custom_field_key = $custom_field_key;
	$bcd->fake_shortcode->id = $custom_field_key;
	$bcd->fake_shortcode->item_key = $item_key;

	// Tell all Broadcast add-ons to process this shortcode.
	$action = ThreeWP_Broadcast()->new_action( 'preparse_content' );
	$action->broadcasting_data = $bcd;
	$action->content = $bcd->fake_shortcode->content;
	$action->id = $bcd->fake_shortcode->id;

add_action( 'threewp_broadcast_broadcasting_before_restore_current_blog', 'my_threewp_broadcast_broadcasting_before_restore_current_blog' );
	@brief		This will get the equivalent item ID on this blog and put it back in the custom field.
	@since		2018-02-20 11:29:42
function my_threewp_broadcast_broadcasting_before_restore_current_blog( $action )
	$bcd = $action->broadcasting_data;

	if ( ! isset( $bcd->fake_shortcode ) )

	// And now process to get the item broadcasted.
	$action = ThreeWP_Broadcast()->new_action( 'parse_content' );
	$action->broadcasting_data = $bcd;
	$action->content = $bcd->fake_shortcode->content;
	$action->id = $bcd->fake_shortcode->id;

	// $action->content will contain the new shortcode.
	// We need to extract the ID attribute from it.
	// Remove the []
	$action->content = trim( $action->content, '[]' );
	// And break it out into an array.
	$atts = shortcode_parse_atts( $action->content );

	$item_key = $bcd->fake_shortcode->item_key;
	$new_value = $atts[ $item_key ];

	ThreeWP_Broadcast()->debug( 'Replacing custom field %s with %s', $bcd->fake_shortcode->custom_field_key, $new_value );

	// And now update the custom field.
		->update_meta( $bcd->fake_shortcode->custom_field_key, $new_value );