This code snippet for the Redirect All Children add-on will redirect only specific post types with a specific taxonomy term set.
Repeat or modify the line in bold to set up which post types you wish to be redirected.
If not specified, posts without the term, or whole post types, will not be redirected when the add-on is active.
add_filter( 'broadcast_redirect_child', function( $redirect, $child_blog_id, $child_post_id, $parent_blog_id, $parent_post_id )
// Redirect only the child posts that match the rows below
$redirect_these =
// Post type // Taxonomy // Term
[ 'post', 'category', 'Test 111', ],
$post = get_post( $child_post_id );
foreach( $redirect_these as $row )
if ( $post->post_type != $row[ 0 ] )
if ( has_term( $row[ 2 ], $row[ 1 ], $post ) )
return true;
return false;
}, 10, 5 );