This snippet for Sitemaps shows how to modify the sitemap depending on your content.
@brief Modify the sitemap by controlling the URL objects.
@since 2018-03-09 12:17:56
function my_broadcast_sitemaps_build_sitemap( $action )
foreach( $action->sitemap->get_urls() as $url )
$post = $url->post();
// Pages get a priority of 0.75
if ( $post->post_type == 'page' )
$url->set_priority( 0.75 );
// If the guid contains a specific string, modify the changefreq.
if ( strpos( $url->get( 'loc' ), '/status/' ) !== false )
$url->set_changefreq( 'hourly' );
// Never display the "lastmod" tag.
$url->collection( 'tags' )->forget( 'lastmod' );
add_action( 'broadcast_sitemaps_build_sitemap', 'my_broadcast_sitemaps_build_sitemap' );