Send To Many

Broadcast many posts / pages / custom post types to several blogs at once, instead of individually editing and broadcasting each post.

Send To Many appears a a bulk action. In order to broadcast several posts at once, tick their boxes and select the Send To Many bulk action.

If the posts you want to Broadcast have many images and galleries and related posts, things that could cause PHP to timeout, consider raising the PHP timeout or using the Queue Broadcast plugin.


  • Screenshots



    You will always receive an error when using this plugin when Broadcast debug mode is enabled.

    Where to buy

    This add-on is a part of the following packs:


    1. Hello,
      I need to buy Send to Many functionality. Actually i m having a requirement to publish and broadcast all posts on page in a single shot. So i thought this functionality are useful to us

      Please respond me as soon as possible.


      Best Regards
      Aliasger Sabunwala

    2. Yes but i dont want to buy all stuff, i only need Send to Many functionality.
    3. Hi,

      I have a question. I only want the Send To Many Broadcast plugin. And i don’t need any of the other premium plugins. What can i do?

      Thanks in advanced.


      1. Your only choice is to purchase the efficiency pack, which contains this plugin.

    4. hello
      I’ve broadcast posts from one category and also broadcast posts from another category
      What causes this bug?
      1. I am unable to say without a Broadcast debug dump. If you can e-mail me the dump or a link to the dump, I can take a look.

    5. i just install the send to many pack but the link is not showing up in my drop down on the site.
      1. The only thing I can think of is that the user role does not have access to the add-on. See Admin > Broadcast > Send To Many > Settings tab.

    6. It’s unclear here what happens if you Send To Many the same posts again but to different sites.

      In the dialog that pops up, the sites that already have had the post broadcast to them are checked.

      Do I have to leave them checked? Will they be removed or unlinked if I uncheck them?

      Could you include in this video the process of adding sites a post is broadcast to?


      1. It works pretty much like the normal Broadcast meta box: unselecting a selected post pops up a select box you where you can choose what to do with the linked and unselected blogs: ignore, unlink or delete.

        Just like the normal broadcast meta box, checking blogs in the list that were not previously linked will link to them.

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